5 Questions to Ponder in Adoration

5 Questions to Ponder in Adoration

Hello friends,

We have been so blessed at our parish to have perpetual adoration.  If you are not familiar with this concept, it is basically when a church has Our Lord present in the monstrance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  It is so wonderful to be able to visit Jesus whenever we can, but sometimes it can be hard.

I thought of writing this post because I knew it would be helpful, but also because I know that I need to read it and think about it myself.  Because, if I’m being honest, I find myself in a bit of a panic if I don’t have a few books or my bible with me when we stop by the adoration chapel.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  But there is also something so beautiful about just sitting with the Lord and listening to His inspirations in the place where He is really, truly, physically, present.

With that being said, I thought it would be wonderful to make a list of questions to ponder during adoration.  By flipping these questions over and over in our minds, we can all hope for renewed faith and resolution in our lives.

How is God making Himself manifest in my life right now?  I feel like it is always hard to realize the multitude of ways that God is making Himself known to us during our day-to-day life.  It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and not realize the little moments of Christ’s calling.  It is usually after the fact, when we have slowed down a bit and look back, that we see His hands work throughout our day.  By taking a few moments to try and pick out those instances of conversion, we can grow to truly appreciate them and recognize them more throughout our day.

How can I make Christ available to someone else this week?  On the flip side of this last question, we can show Christ to anyone we meet, just as he has been made manifest to us.  Yes, this usually requires stepping a little out of your comfort zone, but it’s always worth it.  Whether it be inviting someone to Mass on Sunday, praying with them while they are going through something difficult, or just passing along a coupon while standing in the checkout line, we can all be Christ to people in anything that we do.  So BE INTENTIONAL!!

What is God moving me to do in my life for Him?  Following God in the way that He is calling us can be scary and nerve-racking.  It can be challenging understanding His will as well.  And especially when ‘our will’ and ‘His will’ don’t seem to line up.  But that is the most beautiful job we have as Christians, that we are called to find peace in the plan that God made for us.  He’s looking out for us more than any other person on this earth, so we should never fear, but it can still be taken to prayer.

How can I make myself more open to His voice?  Sometimes we put roadblocks up.  And not just in our relationship with God, but with our families, friends, and those we love.  By trying to understand where we are closing out those around us, and most especially God, we can grow closer to Him in a very direct way.  Adoration is such a good time to break down those obstacles.

What can I do to strengthen my faith today?  Adoration is a wonderful place to make resolutions for our lives.  By asking yourself this question, you are opening your heart to the graces that God has in store for you.  By making little, concrete, resolutions towards stronger faith, your faith will grow exponentially.

Now, go share an hour with Our Lord in Adoration.

God Bless,


11 thoughts on “5 Questions to Ponder in Adoration

  1. My friend Violet goes with her mom to Adoration at St. Cyril’s at 2:00 or 3:00A.M. in the morning! I know! So early! I have also been at 6:00A.M. Holy Mass at St Cyril’s one time with Madee and I love seeing Our Lord, especially early in the morning! ❤
    Hope to see you and your family soon!
    Pax Domini, Julia


  2. Dear Maddy,
    I love your post. I only wish I still had a vehicle to go to Mass regularly and be able to go to a Catholic Church that has an Adoration Chapel. I think I would visit quite often. I saved your 5 Questions to Ponder and want to thank you for this Post.
    I know GOD gave us His Son Jesus and without Jesus what would we do. I pray to Jesus often every day and to the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. Pray the Rosary daily for PEACE in Our World and as the Blessed Mother to show the whole World Her strength so that the powers that be that want to harm others will all back down and cower to Mary’s power.
    May God Blessings be with you and your loved ones.
    Sincerely, Ruth Ann Young
    Ps I live in Metairie, Louisiana and pray that are not closing Churches where you live, as they are here.


    1. I’m so glad to hear that you have enjoyed this post! Jesus is always waiting to have visitors stay with him. I’m so sorry to hear that churches are closing in your area. Let me assure you, however, that Christ will accept your prayers where ever you may be! So ask those questions where ever you can! God bless! Maddy


  3. Hi Mandy, thanks be to God for your wonderful reflection,our lady of perpetual help come to our aid o loving mother.


  4. Hi Maddy, thanks for your suggestion on how to approach the Adoration Chapel. Although I consider myself a woman of prayer, going to Adoration can become a tedious task. This post helps in reducing the anxiety of what to do once you get there, as well as, taking the focus from me and giving it to God.


    1. You are so welcome, Blanca!! I’m so glad you enjoyed this little post!! Absolutely! Like I said, this has always been a tricky practice for me, one that can always be developed!!


  5. It is so wonderful to see how People love Jesus & adore Him. Thank you so much for ur kind effort to help others in adoration. May Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament bless & guide u always


  6. Hello Maddy,
    This is the first time I have read your blog, what enlightenment and understanding I have received .

    God bless you, and Mother Mary enfold you under her Mantle of love .


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